Putting Knowledge to Work in Software Delivery

Our Value Proposition

Our competitive advantage is both our ability to work with you to deliver working software in "traditional" and Agile environments, and our ability to transfer our knowledge to you, so that you can continue to deliver working software once our engagement is complete.

Our Services

We offer a full range of software development consulting services, including:

  • Product Strategy & Management
  • Project Management
  • Agile Coaching (XP, Scrum)
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Solution Architecture
  • Design & Development

Industrial Experience

Solutions designed and implemented by Knowledge at Work personnel have been deployed around the world, in both the public sector and private industry, with user bases from hundreds to thousands and include business-critical systems generating significant revenue for Global 100 companies.

We have experience developing sites and systems for:
  • Post-Secondary Education
  • Health Insurance
  • Advertising
  • Telecommunications
  • Banking
  • Oil & Gas


While based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Knowledge at Work personnel have developed and installed systems in North America and Europe, and have significant experience managing and working with virtual teams, including teams spanning 3 continents.

Please contact us for more information.